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Season 6 Episode 01
Kathy to Warwick Brown
Kathy laughs "One of the things that makes a fantasy great is the possibility
of it might come true, and when you lose that possibility it just kinda sucks!" on the fact he just got married.
Sara Sidle to the female detective "Well, you're the detective! Detect!"
Hi!! |

Season 6 Episode 1
Grissom and Kathy
Grissom "How ya doing!"
Kathy "I'm...busy. Checking up on me?"
G: Why would i need to do that
K: You tell me
G: Look, I know you tend to get a little territorial about your crime scenes
and I don't want there to be any tension between us so I'm giving you fair warning!
K: Fair warning for what?
Grissom shines his torch over Kath's police barrier and onto her crime scene.
G: Hi! (then he waves)
Nick and Warwick talk over their crime scene
N: Julian Harper? Wasn't he supposed to be like the next Brad Pitt or something?
W: Yeah, now he's the next River Pheonix.
Nick to Warwick over the crime scene
"Semen on the bed sheets, as well as other flat surfaces in here"
W: Was this guy doing it all over the place?
Brief time later W: There's his feet, where's hers?
N: Maybe the feet were up in the air.
Warwick gives Nick a funny look.
Nick: You tell me, you just had your honeymoon!
The medical investigator Dr. Al. Robbins is in the morgue talking with Warwick
as they look over the corpse of the now deceased Julian Harper.
Dr. : Minor abrasions on the penis indicative of prolonged activity
(and he said it with a serious face)
Warwick comes back with "Sex, drugs and the American Dream!"
The American Dream |

Victim/suspect "I was in the suite when Julian Harper died? I am
so getting into that party tonight!"
i am so going to that party!! |
