Originally posted: July 27, 2007
'Lost' brain trust speaks at Comic-Con
A number of excellent questions were asked at Thursday’s “Lost” panel at the annual San Diego Comic-Con, the yearly gathering for lovers of all things
geeky at the San Diego Convention Center.
Who’s in the coffin seen in the Season 3 finale? Who’s on that freighter out there
in the ocean and what do they want from the people on the island? Did anyone aside from Kate and Jack ever get off the island?
And what about Nikki and Paolo – are they really dead?
OK, that last question was a joke. Actually, all the questions were jokes, or things designed
to drive “Lost’s” most hardcore fans a little batty. Because the questions actually came from “Lost”
executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, who arrived on the Comic-Con stage to rapturous applause, but who placed
little bells on the table in front of them – the better to shut each other up in case too many secrets started to get
Not too many secrets did get spilled, and truth be told, isn’t that how we sort of want
it – most of the time, that is? After all, the Internet which giveth spoilers can also taketh away suspense.
But when it comes to “Lost,” we have to know – the show lives to plant questions
deep in the grey matter of our brains, questions that go off like time-lapse grenades, so that months after the finale, we’re still wondering about Penny and Desmond and Rousseau and why Claire still appears
to have access to sunscreen. So we ask, because the “Lost” writers make us. It’s their fault! Isn’t
I mean, heck, even ABC president Stephen McPherson was giving away “Lost” spoilers
on Wednesday – he revealed that actor Harold Perrineau, who plays Michael, will be back in Season 4. The fact that the
professional journalists at the Television Critics Association press tour had to badger that information out of McPherson
on Wednesday during his panel with the Fourth Estate caused many snits at TCA in Beverly Hills. How dare McPherson imply that
it would be a better strategy for ABC to toss that exclusive to the assembled horde at Comic-Con on Thursday?
But, er, what if ABC has a point? After all, there’s a reason that most of the new network
shows for fall are doing Comic-Con presentations, and that the networks are spending big bucks to do presentations on returning
shows such as “Lost,” “24” and “Heroes.” I’m a big believer in the best that the
mainstream press has to offer – and yes, we have blogs too – but maybe, as far as the TV honchos are concerned, the 130,000 attendees of Comic-Con
are just as important in building buzz as the 150 critics that McPherson tangled with on Wednesday. |
The networks all want another “Heroes,” after all – a show that got a great
reception at Comic-Con in 2006. And we all know how that worked out.
I will say this for the mainstream press – their questions for people like Cuse and Lindelof
are (usually) a little more probing (as we saw from an interesting TCA session the producers did at a winter press tour in January).
At Comic-Con, the questions ranged from the procedural (Was the man whom Hurley saw fall from
a building in Season 1 Locke? Answer: “No.”) to the thematic, as in, why was there so much violence in Season
Answer: There wasn’t. You just may have thought there was, because it was perpetrated
by the less-pretty Others, according to Lindelof.
“When Sawyer is, like, punching you in the face, you’re like, ‘More, please.
You’re just so attractive. Do you want to take your shirt off while the beating continues?,’” Lindelof said
to riotous laughter from the crowd.
When an Other is beating someone, however, the reaction is “Oh, this is brutal violence,”
Lindelof said. So in future, the violence on the show will be “perpetrated by people who are catastrophically good-looking.”
Still, the series of softballs that the super-“Losties” served up made Lindelof
“The questions are so nice this year,” he said. “I know you are somewhere
in that line -- that special someone who’s going to make me wake up in a cold sweat for the next half a year, trying
to make you happy. I can never make you happy, can I?,” he said with a laugh.
Eventually one fan served up a crafty query, the open-ended but useful question that is the
old trusty standby of desperate journalists everywhere: “What questions are we not asking that we ought to be?”
An “oooh” that clearly meant, “Well played, madam!” rolled over the
Lindelof called it a “Mobius strip” of a question, but then he and Cuse served up
the list of questions noted above – and then said they wouldn’t answer any of them.
But still, you have to think that those are topics that will come up in the next season or two
of “Lost,” whose journey among the Comic-Con-going, “Lost”-obsessing, message-board-lurking fandom
of late has been more eventful than Michael, Jin and Sawyer’s eventful journey on the raft. You know, the raft that
sank in Season 1.
Critics and fans really beat up on the show during a rollercoaster of a third season. There
was the great stuff (Hurley in the VW van, Ben in the Shrieking Shack, etc.) and the not-so-great (Jack’s tattoo holiday. Ecchhh).
Cuse and Lindelof did say at the Comic-Con panel that it was frustrating for them not to be
able to roll out some of the cooler things they had always planned on – such as Jack’s flash-forward, which we
saw in the Season 3 finale. But once they got the go-ahead to wrap things up in 48 episodes, they felt emboldened to start,
well, kicking out the jams.
“We had all these things in play, but as long as we were sort of proceeding without knowing
what the finish line was, we had to delay stuff that we would like to have done sooner and push it off later, because it became
about tapdancing,” Lindelof said.
Fans and critics did notice the tapdancing – and they complained about it loud and long
during Season 3. Hence Cuse and Lindelof’s push to get a definite end date, which was announced by ABC in May which
will occur after three more seasons of 16 episodes each.
That end date “gave us license to basically execute that” flashforward idea, Cuse
Speaking of tapdancing, enough of that from me. Here are a few more tidbits from the hourlong
“Lost” session:
- I think this may be the most interesting news from the panel: “What you saw with Kate
and Jack [in the season finale] is not the end of the show,” Cuse said. Hmmmm…
- Another big tidbit for fans concerned “flash-forwards”: Lindelof said the show
would, in coming seasons, use a mixture of flashforwards and flashbacks.
- The “Lost” producers elaborated a bit about Perrineau: He won’t be back for
just a quick, one-episode visit – the actor is a series regular once again. The producers didn’t say where and
when he’d be back, of course. But they did say that his season-long absence was “part of a grander design,”
according to Lindelof.
- Perrineau joined Lindelof and Cuse on the stage midway through the presentation, and said to
fans, “Man, I’ve missed you all.” He also guessed at the identity of the person in the coffin in the Season
3 finale. Since a newspaper article about the dead person appeared to say that he or she had a teenage son, “my guess
is … it’s probably Locke,” Perrineau joked. But why, pray tell, was Perrineau so conspicuously asked at
the session about that coffin? Hmmmm….
- Fans asked about the character of Libby (Cynthia Watros), whom some have speculated may have
been working for the Dharma Initiative. “It is our intention to get to the Libby story this year, and we think you will
be very happy with it when we do,” Cuse said. “And you’re not barking up the wrong tree,” with the
Internet speculation about her Dharma connection, Lindelof added.
- There will also be an episode devoted to Rousseau (Mira Furlan), either this season or next.
“There are important things revealed in that story, and they have to kind of sync up with something else,” Lindelof
- Someone asked if Jack (Matthew Fox) and Claire (Emilie de Ravin) would find out that they are
brother and sister. Lindelof began to answer, “I would say…” but then Cuse rang the bell in front of him
insistently, cutting off Lindelof’s reply. So… who knows?
- After Cuse and Lindelof were done speaking, a short, jokey, black-and-white “Dharma Initiative”
orientation film was shown. It starred Dr. Marvin Candle (Francois Chau) and he spoke of the “Orchid Station,”
which I believe he said was “Station 6” and which he explained is not really a “botanical research unit.”
He was holding a rabbit with the number 15 on its side. He spoke of the “Casimir effect” and the “highly
volatile” studies that apparently the Dharma Initiative has carried out. Another bunny suddenly appeared in the room,
perched on a shelf, and Candle appeared alarmed. The whole thing was done in the herky-jerky, strangely spliced style that
we’ve come to expect from the Dharma Film Collection. It was only a couple of minutes long.
- The producers said that Ben Linus did not purposefully get caught in Rousseau’s trap
at the beginning of Season 2; but we will find out why he was headed across the island when he got caught by her.
- Lindelof and Cuse said that there was no “Lost Experience” this year because it
just got too hard to juggle all the show’s various ancillary elements and the “mothership” as well. But
now that they’re only doing 16 episodes a year, there may be mobisodes this fall, they’re also working on the
show’s official game, which comes out in February, and kicking around book ideas too.
- Lindelof on fan feedback: “Sometimes it can get a little brutal, but sometimes it helps
us write the show.”
- Cuse repeated what both men have said elsewhere – that at the end of the show, there
will be some mysteries left. But they’ll do their best not to give fans “10 seconds of black tape,” Cuse
said. “It’s going to be 20 seconds of black tape,” Lindelof joked. “Twice as mysterious.”
- They “may be limited” in how much they can use Nestor Carbonell, who plays Richard
Alpert on the show. But Carbonell is in the fall CBS series “Cane,” so we might not see him much on “Lost”
unless “Cane” tanks.
- Regarding spoilers and such in general, “I think the reason that all of you guys came
here today is because you want to know ahead of time what’s coming up,” Lindelof said. And he said they’ll
try to keep hardcore fans informed via podcasts and events such as Comic-Con (and they’ll no doubt dole out a few clues
via press interviews as well). But things will also get leaked without their permission, they lamented.
“You can find out what the first 10 episodes are about online before you even tune into
the first episode of ‘Lost,’” Lindelof said; Cuse cited the “500 people” that have access to
leakable information about “Lost.”
“Of course there are always want to turn to the last page of the book and people who [don’t],
and it’s our job to try to make sure the people who don’t want to get spoiled don’t get spoiled….
We err on the side of not giving away too much,” Lindelof said.
“We’re incredibly grateful to the fan community,” for policing those tried
to reveal that the season finale involved a flash-forward, Cuse said. “We will count on you, our most avid fans, with
policing spoilers. … you guys can help us in terms of keeping spoilers away from people who don’t want to see
The Comic-Con audience – many of them bloggers and LiveJournalers and message-board posters
– heartily applauded this idea. And I’d be willing to bet more than a few of them went online Thursday night to
post their thoughts about how and when Michael will come back, to speculate about what’s up with that freighter, and
to wonder whether Nikki and Paulo are really most sincerely dead.
More messages in bottles from the "Lost" island, by way of the Comic-Con sea.
It seems "Lost" executive producer is teed off something fierce that ABC president of entertainment Stephen McPherson blew
the not-so-huge surprise announcement he planned to make at Comic-Con.
Reportedly Lindelof was hoping to send the swarms into full-fledged geebledygeebledyglee with the news of Harold
Perrineau's return, but the crusty critics stole that thunder on Wednesday.
That's right! When it comes to berating network heads into spilling the beans, the TCA's kung fu is the best, and our ornery
tiger style still beats the Comic-Con herd's fluttering eagle style. But keep on practicing, grasshoppers! We will
meet again next summer on the field of nerd battle.
It's not as if critics left Lindelof high and dry, either. Check out the morsels he saved for the Warcraft addicts, Trekkers,
wood elves and others who grok the language of saving throws and pluses against critic mesmerization, also know as the Comic-Con
From TV Week, and god bless 'em for braving that raging sea of humanity:
-- Michael has the distinction of being the first and only character written out of the show with the knowledge that he'd
come back.
--Production on season four starts in four weeks, and the first episode is set to air in February. It seems the producers
expect to be in the midst of writing episode 14 as the season premiere airs.
--ABC will not be showing repeats of season
three. (What do you think the DVDs are for?)
--Lindelof indicated Jack would soon find out Claire is his half-sister, by way of a nod.
--We will see Libby in season four, and find out she is connected to the Dharma Initiative. Season four also will reveal
the true identity of Henry Gale, and show us how Ben Linus got caught in Rousseau's trap.
--Flashbacks will slowly be phased out in favor of flash-forwards. The one woven through the final episode of season three
did not represent the end of the show.
--Before they go away entirely, however, Rousseau will get a flashback in either season four or season five.
--Perhaps in response to the idea ( gently proposed by Chicago Tribune critic and close friend o' the TV Gal blog Maureen Ryan) that the flash-forward may have borrowed from
"Battlestar Galactica's" season two finale, the producers explained that the writers have been playing around with the idea
since the first season. But they could not pull the trigger on it until they had set an end point.
TV Week also included these cryptic hints from Lindelof.
1.) "The show has never really been about getting off the island."
2.) "The survival of the island is now at stake."
UPDATE: Here is Mo Ryan's take
26 July 2007
The game inspired by ABC and J.J. Abram's ever-mysterious Lost will crash land on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in the
first quarter of 2008, publisher Ubisoft announced this morning.
A trailer of the game will debut at today's San Diego Comic-Con panel on Lost season 4, which begins at 5 PM PDT.
Ubisoft Montreal has developed the game, and we as the player get to mingle with our favourite characters, expecially
Dr 'Sexy' Jack and kate. Mabe get to snog and play in the sand with Sawyer. (sorry, maybe they have not catered for some of
the female players.)
executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse will be at the Comic Con to give us the trailer.
26th July 2007
Harold Perrineau returns to Lost. This news comes a week early than planned. This was supposed to be told at the Comic
Con International in San Diego, but ABC Entertainment President Stephen McPherson revealed this revelation at a Television
Critics Association meeting, according to AP news.
McPerson also quipped that he casted Don Imus in Lost. (Isnt he that controversial DJ fired by MSNBC
ABC will also run for three more seasons which concludes 2009/2010.
The fourth season returns to ABC in January.