How Does it feel to sit in Gideon's chair?
Well ya know my butt's a little bigger than his, you know what i mean next time he gets in he might fall around
this thing you know he may kick it out.. i er..this always makes me nervous, this always makes me feel a bit like i'm sitting
at the head of the table, you know at the dining room table, ya know i was never at the head of the dining room table. Mandy
Patinkin, he's the head of the table kind of guy. Thomas could probably pull it off, but he like be the corner of the side.
but this is alright, i can still ssure for a day.
How would you lead the B.A.U.
Shemar: hahahah! No we'd have more spitball fights, more er...pranks in the..we have a good time. In our version
of the BAU its a very serious role, our crew is seven, we have find a way to keep it light around here.
How did the chemistry between Garcia and Morgan develop?
Shemar:Garcia (CHeck name later) kristin is a hooch, she's a doll, she's my heart, she's erm she's a sweet girl,
she's a crazy talent, crazy talented, the way she's so hot cant imitate what she does. you know its kinda fun, it was
actually an accident when we shot the pilot in the first season, the pilot we didnt meet and shot in Vancouver, even
now i do my lines in Vancouver but i dont see her on the phone and i'm talking to the stage manager with the husky voice going
'God Derek you are sure so cute, and handsome' ya know i'm secure with mine it's still a little strange to go 'yeah baby girl
listen deal tell me something i wanna her baby, what you got on?" that kind of stuff hahaha. (In a husky voice) i've got on
a thong and high heels' . in the pilot and some of the shows, we never see each other, so what we will do is call each other,
and say would you call me today hotstuff, you know hot pants. but its fun cause we are such a dark show and this a weird world
we living in, that that banter for me as an actor is fun to be able to lighten up to show some personality and erm you know
her and I are trying to outwit each other to get the punch line and to be honest i be good at it and she (shemar muffles)
What aspect of the show do you enjoy the most?
I think its very fascinating for us to get in the mind. Its not so much about the crime. we not out to show blood and
guts, its not our thing, but this we need to show what these poeple are capable of, what people are capable of doing. Then
we show you how they think and what's fascinating and eerie is they're normal people, they're just have had some kind of breakdown,
and we can as all these poeple can understand breakdown. I'm not saying we're crazy or we need to be checked in the
insane assylum but we ..i beleive we all ...or some of us more money more opportunity and er those kind of things, but by
nature we all kind of start off on the same path. similar paths you know with opportunity and then something happens. There's
a breakdown. Some of us recover, some of us don't. We're just showing you the world where poeple don't.
What sets Criminal Minds apart from other crime series?
There's so much goes on that has not anything to do with any one particular actor. Its not a good show cause i'm on it,
but hopefully you like what i am doing, but its a good show, period. its an interesting show, based on reality. None
of it s farce, all of it based on current events or past history events, things that have actually happened, they may tweak
a little bit, erm to fabricate some of the truths to keep the identity of the peopel whatever, it's all based on reality and
it could be happening right now somewhere close to you at home, erm but i mean in short i just think we a more darker more
intense er reality based show than any other shows on television. and i thinks that's interesting to people but i also thinks
it all so eerie that it could be you.