There was the gunning down of Horatio's bride, who happened to be Eric's little sis. THis plot line, if anyone remembered,
seemed to have gone way back when Horatio's brother was believed to have died whilst on duty, but then reappeared in a strange
twist of tales that really got me baffled (i am a simple country girl, what do you expect). From the gists of it, this revelation
has some greedy and nasty gun barrons up in arms, and wanting blood. And Horation is a target, well any member of his family
is, thus the demise of cancer stricken victim that was Eric's sister and Horatio's wife.
Now, both police officer's want revenge. Unlike their counterparts in CSI Vegas and New York, these gun toting officers
dont seem to mind to breaking a few of their police codes to get their goal as they head off to Rio where apparently
it 'll be all going down on Channel 5, UK tonight at 9pm.
